At the age of 20, a 17-year-old boy who simultaneously graduates from Harvard University and US high school becomes the country’s youngest lawyer.

At the age of 20, a 17-year-old boy who simultaneously graduates from Harvard University and US high school becomes the country’s youngest lawyer.

A 17-year-old boy named Braxton Moral became the youngest lawyer in America when he was called to the US Bar at the age of 20 after graduating from Harvard University and Ulysses High School in the same year.

In the same month, at the age of 17, Braxton Moral graduated from Ulysses High School and earned an undergraduate degree from Harvard University. Through the Harvard Extension School, he was able to attend Harvard while still in high school.

Harvard Extension School, a division of Harvard University that provides online courses and nonresidential programs to any academically prepared student, regardless of age, is where Braxton’s parent enrolled him.

“My parents found the Extension School after realizing I was bored in school and needed something to encourage growth,” he stated.

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After graduating, Braxton continued his education at Washburn University, where he eventually earned his law degree at the age of 19.

According to Julie Moral, Moral’s mother, she became aware that her son was slightly unusual at the age of two since he grasped ideas that other kids his age did not. By the time he was five years old, she added, his language had grown significantly and he was conversing with adults and his three older brothers.

She said that when Braxton became bored in elementary school, the counselors contacted her and his father. Hutchinson News was informed by Braxton’s parents that they remembered him as exceptional.

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They claimed that although though he enjoyed debate and tennis, played games, and got along with his contemporaries, he was constantly looking to learn new things and expand his knowledge.

When Braxton was in sixth grade, he enrolled in Harvard for his first undergraduate course. He had an online gifted teacher back home in addition to the online college courses. He took and passed the bar exam a year after graduating with a law degree from Washburn University in the United States.

We had barely walked into the movie theater when I was looking on social media and saw that one of my friends had received their scores. I assumed that my score was in as well, so I became anxious and discovered that I had also passed. We viewed the movie, and my parents were thrilled,” he remarked.

Braxton stated that he would like to work for a politician in addition to practicing law, probably in a governmental or administrative capacity. He wants to enter politics after that, primarily at the national level.

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