A thirteen-year-old girl is accepted to a US institution and will become a computer scientist at sixteen.

A thirteen-year-old girl is accepted to a US institution and will become a computer scientist at sixteen.

Mary Baldwin University in the United States has admitted Emmanuella Mayaki, a remarkable 13-year-old girl, to pursue a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science.

A Nigerian woman named Emmanuella Mayaki is among the youngest people in the world to be admitted to a university. Emmanuel Mayaki became a computer publishing, advanced excel, Adobe Page Maker, advanced PowerPoint, and CorelDraw expert at the age of seven.

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After that, she enrolled in a web programming course, using what she learned to create Emma’s ICT Academy, a mobile application for education.

Proficiency in TML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, WordPress, PHP, MySQL, Graphic Design, Java, and Python was acquired by Emmanuella Mayaki. She disclosed that after volunteering to help other pupils, she was hired as a teacher in the UK.

Emmanuella was accepted to Mary Baldwin University in the United States in 2022 at the age of 13 to begin studying computer science in the spring. Her Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) score was 1,300, which is in the 91 percentile.

At the age of sixteen, Emmanuella Mayaki is anticipated to receive her degree as a computer scientist from the university.

Emmanuella Mayaki has always had a tremendous desire to educate others and make a difference in the lives of others, particularly girls.

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