A bright woman receives a scholarship to Oxford University and plans to pursue a master’s degree there.

A bright woman receives a scholarship to Oxford University and plans to pursue a master’s degree there.

A gifted woman named Edidiong Umoh has been awarded a scholarship to pursue a master’s degree at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom.

Edidiong Umoh was awarded the Mastercard Foundation Africa Oxford Initiative Scholarship and the Saïd Foundation Scholarship to attend the University of Oxford’s Saïd Business School.

The Cambridge Judge Business School also extended an entrance offer and a financial grant to Eddiong. To celebrate and share her achievements, she posted on LinkedIn.

“I am looking forward to learning from Oxford University’s Said Business School and embracing the excellence and diversity of my colleagues,” she said.

Edidiong commented, “I am thrilled to announce that, as a recipient of a Saïd Foundation Scholarship and the esteemed Mastercard Foundation Africa Oxford Initiative Scholarship, I will be joining the 2023-24 Oxford MBA Cohort at Saïd Business School, University of Oxford.”

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“I am also appreciative that the Cambridge Judge Business School has offered me admission and a generous bursary,” she continued. Edidiong claimed that her hard work and—more importantly—the encouragement of good people were the reasons behind her notable professional advancement.

Hard work, but more importantly, wonderful people, are responsible for this extremely important professional move. “I have frequently stated that the caliber of those who hold our hands determines the quality of our lives,” she remarked.

You can achieve academic success and set several records in various universities across the United States. At Pulseokay, we keep track of Scholarship opportunities around the world so as to inform you whenever they are available.

”This holds true, especially for me. I have totally enjoyed the gift of kindness and wisdom. She then on, “I don’t take it for granted.”

She conveyed her appreciation to everyone who helped her during the application process by offering advice, recommendations, and support. She also expressed gratitude to her parents and siblings for supporting her and helping her reach her objective.



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