A 2-year-old girl with exceptional intelligence achieves an IQ score of over 98%, making her one of the world’s smartest people.

A 2-year-old girl with exceptional intelligence achieves an IQ score of over 98%, making her one of the world’s smartest people.

After achieving almost 98% on her entrance exam, a 2-year-old brilliant child from California, USA named Kashe Quest became the youngest American to join the Mensa Association for high IQs.

With an IQ of 146, Kashe, who is now 4 years old, joined the organization in 2021.

Mensa is a global organization of bright people. Candidates must take an authorized intelligence test and have a score at or above the 98th percentile in order to be eligible for Mensa membership.

When Kashe took the test, she aced every question. “By 18 months, she had mastered pretty much the alphabet, numbers, colors, and shapes … and then that’s when we started noticing this is pretty advanced for her age,” Kashe’s mother, Sukhjit Athwal, told GMA.

Despite having educational tools all around her family’s house, Athwal, who has a history in education, never pressured Kashe to do anything.

“We’ve never really made her sit down and do anything—it was just out of her natural curiosity,” she explained of how they’ve used her learning.

By the time she was two years old, Kashe could name every element on the periodic table and, according to her parents, she had learned the names of all 50 states in the US by shape and location.

At that point, we were urged to look into our options for getting her tested. Her current performance and the speed at which she is picking up concepts are very remarkable. “Athwal said.”

Athwal stated that the Mensa’s IQ test was age performative and that Kashe was tested repeatedly until the materials either proved difficult or she was unable to calculate her result, despite the fact that the specifics are not disclosed.

It focused on improving cognitive abilities, logical reasoning, and receptive memory. The question wasn’t always, “What color is this?” It was trying to improve her brain capacity more. “Athwal said.”

Speaking about how they are parenting Kashe as an exceptional child, Athwal explained that one of the things they have learned is how to effectively communicate and use words with intention.

In addition to having a high IQ, she stated, “She understands emotion, context, and how we communicate.”

“She will say, ‘No, that’s not what you said,’ or ‘That’s not what it is,’ if we say something wrong.'” She corrects us all the time,” Athwal continued.
Her parents support Kashe’s growth and allow her to choose her own path, but they also make sure she maintains her equilibrium.

According to her mother, “being a child is most important.” “We wish to preserve her youth for as long as possible. For us, socialization and her emotional development are the most crucial factors.

An extraordinary 11-year-old youngster named Ramarni Wilfredm outperformed billionaire Bill Gates on an IQ test, surpassing Gates’ 160 scores with a score of 162.

As a toddler, Ramarni Wilfredm, who is currently ranked in the top 1% of the UK’s smartest people, began to exhibit the characteristics of a genius. His mother, Anthea, claims that by the time he entered preschool, he was able to read and write, and that encyclopedias were his favorite book to read. Go HERE to learn more about the 11-year-old genius.

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