A brilliant Nigerian man receives numerous excellence prizes and a CGPA of 4.90/5.00 in mathematics.

A brilliant Nigerian man receives numerous excellence prizes and a CGPA of 4.90/5.00 in mathematics.

Africa Abdulwahab Ridwan, a bright Nigerian, has excelled academically at the Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA) with a stellar 4.90/5.00 CGPA in mathematics.

Due to his outstanding achievement, he was named the second-best graduating student of the 2024 university class. It is a remarkable accomplishment to rank second among the university’s thousands of students.

Abdulwahab, who shared his success on LinkedIn, said that his academic path at FUTA started with a clear aim: to become the best version of himself and earn a First-Class degree. He eventually succeeded in achieving this goal.

“With the help of God, perseverance, and hard effort, I was able to accomplish these objectives. My success was largely attributed to working with other academics, exchanging ideas, and picking up expertise from others,” he stated.

Abdulwahab won numerous honors, including the best graduate in the School of Physical Sciences and the Department of Mathematical Sciences, in addition to graduating as the second-best student overall.

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Additionally, he received the Prof. Reuben Olafenwa Ayeni Prize for the best graduating student in the Department of Mathematical Sciences and School of Physical Science, as well as the Dean’s Prize for the final-year student who consistently made the Dean’s List.

Additionally the Oladejo Charles Owolabi Prize for the School of Physical Sciences’ Best Graduating Student.

In a recent interview, Abdulwahab credited his achievement to hard work, forethought, and a supportive family. He cited “P5: Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance” as a tenet that guided him during his academic career.

During his 200-level studies, he also recalled a memorable moment when he achieved a perfect score of 30/30 in his first three written courses. This achievement prompted his teachers to look for him during the tests.

Abdulwahab conveyed his sincere appreciation for the scholarships and assistance he received from the Senator Abiola Ajimobi Foundation, the Petroleum Development Trust Fund (PTDF), the Aliu Abubakar Foundation, and the HillCity Foundation.

He admitted that these chances had made his academic path much easier. Abdulwahab also thanked his instructors for their essential advice and mentoring.

Abdulwahab is enthusiastic about the possibility of advancing his education in the future with an emphasis on mathematical modeling and optimization.

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