A remarkable Nigerian man celebrates his first-ever application for a Germany DAAD scholarship.

A remarkable Nigerian man celebrates his first-ever application for a Germany DAAD scholarship.

Tochukwu is a great Nigerian man. Thankfully, Okafor was awarded the DAAD German Academic Exchange Service Scholarship, which allowed him to complete his Master’s degree in Germany on his first try.

The Germany DAAD Scholarship enables overseas students to pursue a two-year Master’s degree in Germany by providing a Full Scholarship with a monthly stipend of €1,200 in addition to numerous other perks. Read more about the Germany DAAD scholarship, which is still open, HERE.

Tochukwu ThankGod, who graduated in 2019 with a Bachelor of Science in Forestry and Wildlife from Nnamdi Azikiwe University in South-East Nigeria, explained that he had always wanted to study overseas but had put it off a lot.

Tochukwu is a great Nigerian man. Thankfully, Okafor was awarded the DAAD German Academic Exchange Service Scholarship, which allowed him to complete his Master’s degree in Germany on his first try.

The Germany DAAD Scholarship enables overseas students to pursue a two-year Master’s degree in Germany by providing a Full Scholarship with a monthly stipend of €1,200 in addition to numerous other perks. Read more about the Germany DAAD scholarship, which is still open, HERE.

Tochukwu ThankGod, who graduated in 2019 with a Bachelor of Science in Forestry and Wildlife from Nnamdi Azikiwe University in South-East Nigeria, explained that he had always wanted to study overseas but had put it off a lot.

My excellent friend Anabel Emebo urged me a few months ago to quit putting off applying for scholarships and to get started. I started looking right away and discovered the ideal course. They say the rest is history, but I applied for it,” he continued.

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Studying in developed nations like Germany and Europe gives you access to a wealth of opportunities and global business leaders. In order to notify and remind you when scholarships that can finance your study abroad become available, we at Pulseokay keep track of them globally.

He declared that he had won the prize on his first try. “I’m happy to let you know that this was my sole scholarship application. You read correctly! According to Tochukwu’s LinkedIn post, “I received the scholarship on my first try.”

He thinks that many people who haven’t dared to apply for scholarships overseas would be motivated by his experience. “Hopefully, this will motivate someone out there. You never know, and you may have been the one putting off your fate. Don’t be so sure. Have you been considering submitting a scholarship application? “Now is the time,” he continued.

Tochukwu also went on to describe some of the actions he did to get the Germany DAAD grant, which is extremely competitive, on his very first try.

“Just put your resume together nicely. List your strong points, include all of your volunteer work, networks and societies you are a part of, leadership roles you have held in the past or currently hold, etc.”

He went on to say, “Have strong supporting documentation (your recommendation and motivation letters are very important parts of your application) and most importantly, give everything to God.”

Additionally, he counseled people who have previously been rejected to never give up on their goals. “If you’re considering giving up after receiving multiple rejections, don’t give up; the good news you’ve been waiting for is just around the corner. He urged everyone to never give up on their quest for greatness.

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