This two-year-old savant learns four foreign languages on his own and uses them to answer math problems.

This two-year-old savant learns four foreign languages on his own and uses them to answer math problems.

Isaiah Gyamfi, a 2-year-old genius, taught himself four foreign languages and how to use them to solve challenging math problems.

At five months old, Isaiah, a Ghanaian, began displaying exceptional intelligence. Jazelle, his mother, told Mirror that one day while he was watching a YouTube video on her phone, she noticed that he was having fun learning.

After realizing this, Jazelle said, she chose to play a video about Japanese numbers. She said Isaiah listened to the video repeatedly until he could recite the numbers continously.

Isaiah Gyamfi, a 2-year-old genius, taught himself four foreign languages and how to use them to solve challenging math problems.

At five months old, Isaiah, a Ghanaian, began displaying exceptional intelligence. Jazelle, his mother, told Mirror that one day while he was watching a YouTube video on her phone, she noticed that he was having fun learning.

After realizing this, Jazelle said, she chose to play a video about Japanese numbers. She said Isaiah listened to the video repeatedly until he could recite the numbers continously.

In less than a day, Isaiah was able to learn how to count to forty in Japanese on his own. Every day, the young genius would startle both of his parents by pointing out the right letters and then using phonics to sound them out.

He like the patterns found in Japanese. Learning numbers 1–10 makes learning the others relatively simple. With a few exceptions, Japanese numbers make sense, according to Jazelle.

“Because 1 (ichi) plus 10 (juu) equals 11. All you have to do is combine the two words to get 11. There aren’t many exceptions. Once you get the hang of it, it’s really awesome,” she continued.

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Additionally, he worked on writing numbers and figuring out math problems on his own. “At first, I was shocked and wondered if my eight-month-old was simply calling out letters. I remember just laughing nervously but I was so excited and wanted to hear it again,” she said.

Jazelle said though she was first surprised and thought it was unusual, she was overjoyed and noticed that her son was also excited. She added that Isaiah enjoys having numbers in front of him and loves practicing alone.

She said that Isaiah practices writing numbers every day using pens and whiteboards.  I got him a set of sight words after realizing he was recognizing letters and numbers. She remarked, “I actually put them in a drawer and assumed he wouldn’t be interested.”

However, he showed interest in this and would flip through them when I began reading them to him while including the phonics. After a while, I wanted to see how much he remembered, so I flashed a card and said, “What does this say?” I was surprised to find that he answered all of them correctly, she continued.

Jazelle added that Isaiah was often sitting with his peers and teaching them numbers, according to his teachers.

She claimed that because his pals lacked confidence, Isaiah would sit with them and point out the numbers while urging them to repeat his words. Jazelle claimed that she started recording Isaiah’s learning and posting it on her Instagram profile since other parents did not think he was capable.


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