Turkey’s 2025 Sabanci University Scholarship | Completely Paid

Turkey’s 2025 Sabanci University Scholarship | Completely Paid

For a fantastic chance to study in the stunning European nation of Turkey, international students can now apply for the 2025 Sabanci University Scholarship.

A tuition waiver plus dorm accommodations for undergraduates to assist studies and other related fees, as well as many types of complete scholarships that cover tuition, housing, transportation, and a living stipend for graduate students, are offered by the Sabanci University Scholarship 2025.

We strongly encourage students to apply if they wish to pursue an undergraduate, graduate, or doctoral degree in Turkey.

Check for: 2025 Scholarship at the University of Luxembourg | How to Apply

For interested candidates, we will highlight the specifics, eligibility requirements, duration, benefits, and the detailed application process in this post.


Overview of the Sabanci University Scholarship Program:

Study Abroad: Europe; Host Country: Turkey

  • Category: Undergraduate Scholarships | Postgraduate Scholarships | Masters Scholarships | PhD Scholarships
  • All countries are eligible.
  • Bonus:

o Graduates: Full Scholarship | TL 35,000 Stipends | Accommodation | Laptop

o Undergraduates: Complete Financial Aid | Housing

  • Due date:

August 29, 2025, for undergraduate studies; July 29, 2025, for graduate studies



Sabancı University offers scholarships for admission to international students. After completing the application procedures, every overseas applicant to Sabanci University is immediately considered for a scholarship.

With the exception of professional non-thesis graduate programs, nearly all students accepted into academic graduate programs at Sabancı University are either fully or partially exempt from annual tuition fees.

See also: 2025 German Catholic KAAD Scholarship in Germany | How to Apply

Please be aware that the Scholarship Committee will take into account your academic history, letters of recommendation, test scores, transcripts, interview results, and any other documentation demonstrating your academic achievement, such as Olympiad certificates or competition prizes.

Scholarship Requirements at Sabanci University:

Applicants must fulfill certain requirements in order to be considered for the Sabanci University Scholarship. Check out the sites provided below for more information:

  • For Graduates: Visit This Page
  • For undergraduates, click this link.


Duration and Benefits of the Sabanci University Scholarship

  • For bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degree programs, Sabanci University offers nearly every academic discipline and major.
  • All costs associated with pursuing a degree in Turkey under this scholarship will be covered by the award.
  • Undergraduate students can live in a four-person dorm and receive a 100% tuition waiver.
  • Master’s program: 2,500 TL/10 months and a 10-month dorm room (**)
  • PhD: 3,000 TL/12 months + Dormitory (with a maximum of one room, or a double room if occupied) for 12 months
  • A laptop, health insurance, a transportation stipend, and conference assistance are additional perks for graduate students.
  • if you would like to be given this honor. All students must submit the documents so that the scholarship committee can review them and increase your chances. All candidates will, nevertheless, be given automatic consideration for the scholarship.
  • Be aware that the Scholarship Committee will take into account your academic history, transcripts, test scores, reference letters, interview results, and any other documentation demonstrating your academic achievement, such as competition awards or Olympiad certificates.


Documents Needed for the Scholarship at Sabanci University

Candidates must be prepared to submit the following paperwork in order to apply:
• A copy of one or more test or diploma results that Sabancı University Applications accepts and have a valid score
• If a high school diploma has been earned, it should be presented with a certified translation if it is in a language other than English or Turkish.
• The official transcript, which has been authorized by the high school administration and lists all of the classes and grades completed during the high school career.Transcripts that are uploaded without an e-signature that may be validated online or without a wet signature and stamp will not be considered.

A language proficiency test result that Sabancı University accepts if previously taken

  • An academic letter of recommendation, if one is availableThe following paperwork is needed if the candidate completed or is still completing secondary school in Turkey:
  • A copy of the residence permit for those who are foreign nationals

o For individuals who abandoned Turkish citizenship, a copy of their blue card or an official letter of renunciation

o A copy of a residence permit or an official document (such as a court ruling or Vukuatlı Nüfus Kayıt Örneği) attesting to the date of Turkish citizenship acquisition for individuals who do not obtain it by birth

Before the application deadline, all application-related documentation must be delivered to the Sabancı University Student Resources Unit.


How to Apply (Step-by-Step) for the 2024 Sabanci University Scholarship

  • To apply for the 2024 Sabanci University Scholarship in Turkey, use the online application process.
  • To apply for the scholarship, there isn’t a separate application. After being admitted, applicants will be immediately considered for an award.
  • Links to apply for graduate and undergraduate programs are provided below;
  • Select the category for which you plan to apply;Prospective Graduate Students

Prospective Undergraduate Students 


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