Singer Megan Thee Stallion, 26, celebrates her accomplishment after graduating from Texas University with a bachelor’s degree.
American singer Megan Ruth Pete, better known by her stage as Megan Thee Stallion, is 26 years old and has finally earned a bachelor’s degree from Texas Southern University in Houston, Texas, in the United States.
To make her mother pleased, Megan, who has achieved amazing recognition via her exceptional singing, remained committed to obtaining a bachelor’s degree. She explained that her mother would be pleased with her accomplishment since she had witnessed her attend school before she passed.
“I want to make my big mom proud.” Before mom died, she saw me going to school,” she remarked.
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Megan earned a bachelor’s degree in health management upon graduating. “I’m going to graduate from Texas Southern University, my HBCU! Because look at me, I want you all to remember that you can be whoever you want to be and do whatever you want to do,” she wrote.
Megan had established herself in the music business prior to receiving her bachelor’s degree, garnering two Grammys for Best Rap Performance and Best Rap Song in addition to other Grammy nominations.
Despite her international popularity, she said her desire to work as a health administrator. “I knew I still wanted to be Megan Thee Stallion, but I really wanted to be a hospital administrator.” “What can I do?” I asked, she said.
In order to support her fellow TSU grads in finding employment after school and fostering a sense of community, she intends to create an assisted-living home.
“I decided to use the money I earn from rapping to open an assisted living facility. You know what, I’m going to do that.” I’m going to let my students run it after that,” she continued.
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