After working as a security guard to pay for her education, a young African woman eventually earns a nursing degree.

After working as a security guard to pay for her education, a young African woman eventually earns a nursing degree.

Annie Nakushwela, a young African woman, has finally earned her nursing degree after working as a security guard to pay for her education.

Annie Nakushwela, a native of Zambia, was employed as a security guard at Levy Mwanawasa Medical University while pursuing her nursing degree.

She celebrated her accomplishment of finally earning her nursing degree on Facebook. Annie was committed to becoming a clinical nurse while she was employed as a security guard.

Annie worked as a security guard while balancing her academics, and she was determined to pay her tuition. She even went so far as to search online for money and financial support.

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Only until it’s finished does it appear impossible. She said, “At last, security guard Achita graduated.”

Annie claimed that she was able to fulfill her dream of becoming a nurse because of her tenacity, hard work, focus, and determination.

We will be there if we are here, as I stated last year. You will achieve more things than you could have ever dreamed with perseverance, hard effort, and focus. -“The lovely security guard’s diary,” Annie remarked.

In a different tale, a young man named KaHlomasambe Masango, who paid for his education by working as a gatekeeper, eventually graduated from the University of South Africa with a degree in education and 17 honors.

While attending the University of South Africa, KaHlomasambe Masango, a native of South Africa, worked as a security guard. He finished with honors even though he worked while he was a student. Go HERE to learn more about Masango.

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